Political Mentality and Its Transformation (In the Case of Post–Communist Uzbekistan)
The article analyzes the transformational processes under the influence of universal democratic values (human rights and freedoms, pluralism, justice, democracy, democratic political governance) in the political mentality of ethnic Uzbeks, who make up the majority of the population, on the example of Uzbekistan, one of the post–communist young independent states of Central Asia. Adoption of democratic laws is not enough for the political transformation of society. The democratic political transformation in the spiritual life of the society cannot be achieved without changing the communist values that have been forcefully instilled in the human mind by the communist political regime for 70 years, without completely removing them from the life of the person and the society. Today, the post–Soviet Uzbek society is undergoing a complex and difficult process of spiritual transformation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i3.5665
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