Preserving Face Threatening Acts in the English Translation of Bumi Manusia
This research aims to find the types of FTA contained in the English translation of the novel Bumi Manusia. Apart from that, this research also analyses translation techniques and the level of translation accuracy. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research results state that there are two main types of FTA, namely Positive Face Threatening Acts (PFTA) and Negative Face Threatening Acts (NFTA). There is a predominance of PFTAs in human interactions, indicating that more actions aim to strengthen and enhance positive aspects of relationships and personal development. The findings from the English translation technique of the novel "Bumi Manusia" show a total of 1357 data, divided into 13 types of techniques. The most dominant translation technique is Equivalence with a percentage of 73.2% of the total data found. These results are that the English translation of the novel "Earth of Mankind" has an adequate level of accuracy, acceptability and readability.
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