Recent Trends in Publication of Research on Financial Literacy in Students Using VOSViewer: A Bibliometric Analysis

Rinny Meidiyustiani, Hayatul Khairul Rahmat


In recent years, financial literacy has provided significant benefits for individuals and society as a whole and also provides long-term benefits such as increasing awareness of the importance of investing and developing assets, as well as increasing the ability to plan for a stable financial future. This research was conducted using a bibliometric approach with data taken from 1995-2024 with a total of 799 publications from the Scopus database. The research results show that the most active author who published on this theme being De Witte, K. with 9 documents. Meanwhile, the country with the largest number of publications is the United States, followed by Indonesia. Meanwhile, keyword analysis is divided into 6 clusters with the main keywords, namely students, financial literacy, and human. For predictions in the future, research should be carried out related to financial literacy among students, the general public, and college students.


Bibliometric; Financial Literacy; Student; VOSViewer

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