Status of Land Formerly PT.Kalista Alam's Cultivation Plantation Business Permit After Revocation of Aceh Governor's Permit No.525/BP2T/5322/2011
On August 25 2011, the Tripa Peat Swamp Area was granted a Cultivation Plantation Business Permit (IUP-B) to PT. IUP-B) to PT. KA. Then on September 27 2012 the Governor of Aceh revoked the IUP-B given to PT. 1,605 Ha. The revocation was carried out as a result of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI) lawsuit at the Banda Aceh State Administrative Court (PTUN) (Case Register No.19/G/2011/PTUN-BNA dated 23 November 2011). The High State Administrative Court (PTTUN) granted the Plaintiff/Appellant's lawsuit and declared null and void the decision issued by the Governor of Aceh on 25 August 2011 No.525/BP2T/5322/2011. With the annulment of Aceh Governor's Decree No.525/BP2T/5322/2011, of course there will be legal consequences for the status of land controlled by PT KA covering an area of ± 1,605 hectares. So it is necessary to carry out a scientific study regarding the position or status of the former IUP-B PT.KA land after the annulment of Aceh Governor Decree No.525/BP2T/5322/2011.
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