Broadcaster’s Code Switching in Musik Aktifitas Program At Radio Suara Kancanta 100,3 Fm Labuhan Haji, Lombok Timur, Ntb - Indonesia

Martini Martini


This study analyzed the implementation of code switching by an announcer or broadcaster in one of the broadcast programs namely Musik Aktifitas program at Radio Suara Kancanta 100,3 fm ,Lombok Timur. The objectives of this study were (1) find the type of code used in Musik Aktifitas programs (2) determine the frequency of the most dominant use of code by the announcer or broadcasterin Musik Aktifitas program. ) Identify the factors behind that made the broadcaster used the code switching in that program. To obtain the data in a descriptive qualitative study, the writer use a recording technique followed by in-depth interviews with the broadcaster of Musik Aktifitas program to determine the background  or the reasons of  using code switching . The results of this study indicate that (1) there were kinds of code used in Musik Aktifitas program namely  tag switching, intrasentensial switching and intersentensial switching (2) types of code which most predominantly used by broadcasters in Musik Aktifitas program was tag switching (45, 65% ), followed by intrasentensial switching (43.48%) and Intersentensial switching (10.87%). There were (6) reasons why the broadcaster of Musik Aktifitas program used in that program as follows : 1. Talking about particular topic  ,2. Quoting Somebody else ,3. Being emphatic about something ,4. Sentence fillers or sentence connectors 5.Expressing group identity and 6. Real lexical need.


Code switching; tag switching; intrasentensial switching; intersentensial switching

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