The Effectiveness of Holistic Marketing and Word-of-Mouth Communication on Purchasing Decision at Pt Asuransi Central Asia Branch Office of Tiang Bendera West Jakarta
Holistic marketing is a marketing concept that defines an overall corporate entity. Word-of-mouth communication is one way to spread rumors. Word-of-mouth communication is also the most ancient marketing strategy that is still widely implemented until now. The objectives of this research are: 1) to determine the effect of holistic marketing on purchasing decision, 2) to determine the effect of word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decision, 3) to determine the effect of holistic and word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decision. This research applied quantitative data collection method which was carried out through questionnaire distribution and literature studies. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 1, the holistic marketing variable (X1) and purchasing decision (Y) do not have a significant correlation because the sig. value (p) = 0.000 < 0.01. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 2, word-of-mouth communication (X2) and purchasing decisions (Y) have a significant correlation because the sig. value (p) = 0.000 < 0.01. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 3, holistic marketing (X1) and word-of-mouth communication (X2) variables on the purchasing decision variable (Y) are simultaneously and significantly related. The contribution of holistic marketing and word-of-mouth communication variables on purchasing decision is 86.1% and the remaining 13.9% is affected by other variables.
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