Leadership Impact on Employee Well-being: The Growing Challenge of Burnout
Emotional labour and labour intensity are terms often heard in the context of hospitality and tourism industry. The low wages, instability of jobs, external threats and interpersonal conflicts are examples of the stressors that have led to extensive burnout in the industry. Organisational leaders have a detrimental impact on the well-being and efficiency of the subordinates; thus, this research aims to identify which leadership approach would best reduce burnout. Examining McGregor’s X and Y theory, situational leadership theory and job demand resources (JD-R) theory allowed to identify key behaviours required to reduce burnout. After which different leadership styles were evaluated, to identify which possess these behaviours. Transformational leadership was identified to be positively associated with theory Y, situational leadership, and high organisational resources, all of which contribute to diminished burnout and higher organisational commitment. Hence, it emerged as the best fit. However, it was suggested that subordinates’ personal resources, and organisational climate should be considered simultaneously to understand its’ origin and impacts. This paper is a review article, which research is consisted of relevant data generated from online sources related to burnout, and leadership in hospitality and tourism industries.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i4.5593
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