Euphemisms and Dysphemisms in Netizens' Comments on Instagram Accounts @Sherlyannavita
This study aims to (1) find out the meaning of euphemisms and dysphemisms, (2) find out the function of euphemisms and dysphemisms in the Instagram comment column @sherlyannavita. This study uses sociolinguistic studies to examine various sources of meaning and function. This research is qualitative research. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis. The source of data in this study is comments on @sherlyannavita Instagram accounts with political themes in posts in September and October 2023. This research data is in the form of expressions or expressions classified as euphemisms and dysphemisms. Data collection techniques in the form of listen and record techniques. The analysis method used is in the form of referential padan techniques. Presentation of research results using informal methods. The results of this study were in the form of 25 euphemism expression data with associative meanings and functions to smooth speech. While the expression of dysphemism there are 28 data on the expression of dysphemism with associative and conceptual meanings, while its functions are in the form of ridicule, expressions of irritation, and expressions of disapproval.
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