Harmonizing Religious Diversity: Exploring Effective Intercultural Communication in Dukuh Sampetan Village
Religious tolerance is important to be instilled and carried out in building an interaction relationship in order to avoid divisions that can lead to conflict in society. The existence of a tolerant attitude towards religious differences and is expected to encourage the creation of a peaceful situation so as to create harmony in the interaction of people of different religions. In addition, it is also necessary to foster good harmonious communication so that it can form an understanding that leads to unity. Dukuh Sampetan is one of the dukuhs in Sampetan Village whose people consist of various religions, namely Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. This research uses qualitative research and the theory used is Effective Intercultural Workgroup Communication Theory. This research discusses cultural diversity, which means religious diversity in community groups in Sampetan Village in forming group communication that is able to achieve decisions, satisfaction and effectiveness of group performance in fostering tolerance between religious communities. The conclusion in this study is that communication that occurs in social life in Dukuh Sampetan runs effectively so that religious tolerance exists there is indeed true, seen from the forms of communication seen from general activities, communication that is usually carried out and religious activities.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i3.5563
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