The Impact of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on Iranian EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning: A Comparison of Traditional and CALL-based Instruction
Technology's impact spans diverse human activities, notably in education. Educators and researchers have increasingly focused on computer-assisted vocabulary learning, recognizing it as a crucial component of computer-assisted language learning (CALL). The present study, conducted with one hundred Iranian intermediate-level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners, intended to address the impact of Computer-Assisted Language Learning CALL instruction on vocabulary learning. The study addressed whether there is a significant relationship between CALL instruction and Iranian EFL learners' vocabulary learning and whether there is any difference in the impact of CALL instruction on Iranian male and female EFL learners' vocabulary learning. The statistical analysis involved t-tests and descriptive statistics for comparing pre-test and post-test results, contributing valuable insights into the effectiveness of CALL in the context of Iranian EFL education and its equitable impact across genders. The present study's findings revealed a substantial improvement in vocabulary learning among participants who underwent CALL instruction. The study also found that male and female language learners did not display significant performance differences under CALL instruction. This study contributes valuable insights into the role of CALL in Iranian EFL education, emphasizing its potential as an effective tool for enhancing vocabulary learning while promoting gender-neutral outcomes.
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