The Role of Childhood Religious Education in Crime Prevention
Education has long been known as one of the means of crime prevention, and education has an important place in the health of society and crime prevention. It has also brought great achievements in many societies. In religious education, many examples of effective education have been emphasized, such as belief in God, resurrection, piety, good behavior, financial duties, enjoining good and forbidding evil, and some other beliefs and behaviors. The subject of this article is to examine the role of religious education during childhood in crime prevention, which was done with the descriptive-analytical method and the use of library resources. The findings of the research show that childhood is the period when a person has a pure and effective personality and is receptive to education with religious content, especially since these contents are aligned with human nature. A nature that has not yet been contaminated and deviated by the necessity of childhood and can help prevent crime.
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The Holy Quran
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