Analysis of Antecedents in Reviewing the Evaluation Results of Accreditation and Licensing Programs at SDIT Kaifa Bogor
The current problem is that the accreditation program for the license review at SDIT Kaifa has never been evaluated as a whole, only its implementation has been carried out. The purpose of this study was to determine the antecedent component in reviewing the evaluation results of the National Accreditation Board (BAN S/M) Accreditation program and the Integrated Islamic School Network (JSIT) License. A quantitative research method was used to reveal the results of the Antecedent evaluation on seven aspects. The research sample was conducted on eight teachers and 15 students. Data collection using questionnaires, data analysis techniques with descriptive statistics. The findings of the research results show that the seven aspects of the assessment evaluated in the Antecedent component are appropriate from the results of the teacher and student responses around 88% of the suitability. This can be interpreted that the evaluation of the Antecedent component can provide data or information in revealing the condition of the evaluated aspects. Future implementation of the results of this study is expected to be the basis for continuing to be developed as a reference in evaluating other educational programs.
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