Visa Violations by Foreigners in the Jurisdiction of the Jayapura Class I Immigration Office
The purpose of this research was to find out and examine Visa violations by foreigners and how to legally resolve Visa violations by foreigners in the jurisdiction of the Jayapura Class I Immigration Office. The research method used is empirical juridical. Apart from conducting field research, library research was also carried out to obtain secondary data as supporting data. The results of the research reveal that immigration violations are actions carried out by foreigners that are not in accordance with the provisions or permits that have been given to them. This action can be classified as: Deviation, Abuse, Offense. Visa violations committed by foreigners are more dominantly administrative violations, such as late reporting/requirement to report that the visa has passed the validity period set by the local immigration office (overstay). Immigration actions carried out by immigration officials include: Restrictions, changes or cancellation of Stay Permits; Prohibition from being in one or several certain places in the territory of Indonesia; Requirement to reside in a certain place in the territory of Indonesia; Expulsion or deportation from Indonesian territory or refusal to enter Indonesian territory.
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