Constitutionalism of Presidential and Vice-Presidential Terms in a Presidential System
The existence of a three-year presidential discourse through the 5th Amendment Bill to the 1945 Constitution does have advantages and losses, considering the considerable implications of a president who serves three terms. This study has two objectives, namely first to find out how the presidential system reacts to proposed changes, and second, how the debate around the 5th Constitution of 1945 affects changes in presidential mandates in 3 terms. This study is a standard legal research that uses three approaches, namely the legal approach, the historical constitutional approach, and the conceptual approach. There are two conclusions in this study, first, the presidential term of office more than 2 terms can be unconstitutional if it is not on the path of change, but if you want to make changes by extending the presidential term to 3 terms of change principle. may violate the principles of constitutional democracy and the constitutional presidential system. Second, because of the term of office of president.
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