The Function of Arabic and English in Learning in Muhammadiyah Schools
This research is a need for benchmarks for the ISMUBARIS learning method in Muhammadiyah schools. In this case the focus is on curriculum development and approaches to learning language skills. In order to strengthen students with the tools to study Muhammadiyah Islamic knowledge, science and technology. The number of schools in Muhammadiyah with various qualities of teaching human resources means that the results of ISMUBARIS learning cannot be measured. Quality that is not measured properly results in educational outcomes at Muhammadiyah schools whose specialty is Ismubaris education (Islam Muhamamdiyah in Arabic and English) and even its development now into ISMUBARISTIK (Islam Muhamamdiyah in Arabic and English and information technology and computers) has not yet achieved expectations as a characteristic. typical skills that can be excelled.
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