Legal Protection of Electronic Land Certificates in the Legal System of Land Registration in Indonesia
Land as one of the natural resources and one of the gifts of God Almighty. Humans live and multiply and carry out activities on the ground, so that every human being is in contact with the land. Therefore, the relationship between humans and land cannot be separated, because land also has economic, political, social and cultural functions in human life. The relationship between man and the land has become essential. Law Number 5 of 1960 is the Juridical Foundation for the regulation of Agrarian Law in Indonesia, especially Land. Where the content provides basic rules on how legal obligations for holders of land rights. The purpose of the establishment of the UUPA it self is to lay the foundations for unity in land law and provide legal certainty regarding land rights for all Indonesian people. Issuance of electronic certificate rules according to the government, as a form of government effort to resolve disputes over ownership of land rights. The purpose of electronic issuance of land certificates is for the efficiency and transparency of land registration; management of archives and land warrants will be more guaranteed.
Full Text:
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