The Importance of Strong Agrarian Law: Preventing and Overcoming Land Mafia in Indonesia
To this day, land mafias are still rampant and disturbing the public. The land mafia is so detrimental to its victims that it must be eradicated. In this research, we will discuss the importance of strong agrarian law in preventing and dealing with land mafia perpetrators. This research is qualitative research, following the research object. In this article, this type of research is included in the library research category. For this reason, in library research, book collection must be gradual, because it would be difficult if this were not done using data from various references, both primary and secondary. The results of this research can be concluded that agrarian law in Indonesia is good at regulating land and policies regarding land have been created with the aim of eradicating land mafia perpetrators, but in its implementation there are still many land mafia activities, due to lack of supervision of the regulations and policies in place has been made.
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