Dispute Resolution of the Regional Head Election Process Against the 2020 Bandar Lampung City Bawaslu Decision (Bandar Lampung City Bawaslu Case Study)
The Regional Head Election held in Bandar Lampung cannot be separated from the Polemic of Regional Election Disputes so that it applies in the way of holding regional elections. Elections signify the running of the democratic process within a country therefore Elections are very important in the life of the state. The author discusses the problem of how the cause of the dispute occurs and how the legal consequences occur in the dispute resolution of the Election process handled by Bawaslu Bandar Lampung City.The author conducts a normative-empirical study (juridical law), is a legal study which is used in a research style by combining library elements or secondary data with primary data, analyzing in a qualitative descriptive way. The results of the study aim to determine the legal cause and effect in resolving the dispute process of the Bandar Lampung Regional Election by Bawaslu Bandar Lampung City in the Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral elections.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i2.5450
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