Social Critical Discourse Forms in the Wayang Beber Kota Suluk Banyu Story
The wayang beber performance is one of the oldest traditional arts originating from East Java which is not very popular with the public, in fact not many modern people are even familiar with wayang beber. This causes the popularity of Wayang Beber to not exist. In 2006, the famous Wayang Beber Kota performance began which was initiated by Dani Iswardana, a wayang Beber artist from Surakarta City who lives on Jalan Sidoasih Timur No. 14, Mangkuyudan, Laweyan District, Surakarta. With all his creativity, in 2004 he produced quite innovative ideas, such as innovating the wayang beber show. From the expertise of the initiator of Wayang Beber Kota who innovated in the Wayang Beber Kota show, he succeeded in making the Wayang Beber show popular with audiences again. Wayang Beber focuses on current issues such as social, political, cultural, and environmental issues and composes and even tells jokes that are entertaining but full of criticism and social guidance. This scientific article aims to reveal how the puppeteer can package social critical discourse from the Wayang Beber Kota performance by Dani Iswardana entitled the play Suluk Banyu. Based on careful observation of social critical discourse, it can be seen that social critical discourse is communicated mainly through the characters in the story. So it can be seen that the packaging form of social critical discourse presented in the Wayang Beber Kota performance includes parables, allusions in the form of allusions, and proverbs.
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