Sustainability in Marketing: Exploring the Impact of Green Marketing on Environmental Concern and Customer Satisfaction
Sustainability is an issue that must be paid attention to by various sectors of life, including the marketing sector, which is mentioned as Green marketing. This research wants to explore the role of green marketing in customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as its role in environmental awareness. Reflecting on previous research, this research uses quantitative descriptive by distributing structured questionnaires, with non-probability purposive sampling with a total of 206 respondents in the capital area, with the category being consumers of FMCG products. This research offers a novelty on how green marketing influences environmental and social concerns. Most research on green marketing was conducted in developed countries, but this research was conducted in developing countries in Indonesia. The findings show that Green Marketing significantly influences consumers in terms of satisfaction and loyalty variables, and has a significant effect on social responsibility and environmental safety, moreover, it influences on product innovation and development. This study seeks to unravel the intricacies of how eco-conscious marketing strategies affect not only consumer contentment but also the environment. This conscious consumer behaviour, particularly among FMCG consumers in Indonesia, underscores the significance of these green aspects in shaping their satisfaction and fostering loyalty, despite potential price increases. Companies must prioritize eco-friendly product development, emphasize sustainability, and effectively communicate their green initiatives to succeed in this landscape. It's evident that consumers today no longer base their purchases solely on personal needs but consider the broader environmental and social impacts, urging marketers to embrace sustainability and responsible practices in their strategies.
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