The Effectiveness of Regulations Related to the Regulation of Abandoned Land in the Ideology of Pancasila Values
Optimization of land exploitation, use, utilization, and maintenance in Indonesian territory is needed to improve the environment, reduce poverty, and create jobs as well as improve food and energy security as mandated through Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles. The formulation of the problem in this study is (2) Procedures and stages in the issuance of abandoned land? (2) Factors Causing the Ineffectiveness of Laws and Regulations Related to the Control of Abandoned Land According to Soerjono Soekanto's Theory of Effectiveness?. The method used is descriptive. The result of this study is If the land is deliberately not used in accordance with its condition or nature; if the land is not used in accordance with the purpose for which it was granted; The land is not well maintained; and Especially for Land Management Rights, if the authority of the right to control from the State over the land is not exercised by the holder of the management right in accordance with the purpose for which the authority is granted. ineffectiveness of human resource factors or those that establish and that propose land as an object of wasteland. If you look at the Supreme Court Decision on the authority aspect, it is found that the authority error in terms of determining a decree related to abandoned land objects, the ineffectiveness of human resource factors from procedural aspects, specifically regarding the stages of identification and research of abandoned land objects that are not in accordance with what is normed in laws and regulations related to the regulation of abandoned land.
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