Teacher’s Perspective on Students’ Engagement across Gender in Writing Class Using Google Classroom Platform
How teacher perceives students' interaction and activities can play a crucial role in assessing educational progress and cultivating a more fruitful and meaningful learning experience, particularly when considering the gender factor. This study aimed to investigate teacher's perspective regarding students' engagement across gender in a writing class using Google Classroom platform. It used qualitative approach through case study method. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select an English teacher at the vocational high school level that used Google Classroom in teaching writing as the participant of this study. To fulfill the research goal, teacher’s interview were conducted which was supported by documentation to collect the data. For data analysis, an interactive model of analysis was employed to derive findings and conclusions of the research. The outcomes revealed a noticeable gap in students' engagement between male and female students in writing class facilitated by the Google Classroom platform, according to teacher perception. Female students engaged in online discussions had greater enthusiasm and actively responded to teacher's or other students' comments on online forum. In contrast, male students preferred to interact with their peers in real setting. It was influenced by their participation, performance, emotional responses, and skills.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i2.5428
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