Attraction to Public Policy Making for Optimizing Population Administration Services in North Toraja Regency

Asti Situru, M Thahir Haning, Suryadi Lambali


This research aims to examines the level of attention to public policymaking, especially related to population administration services, in the North Toraja Regency Population Office. Through the approach of Public Service Motivation with indicators of attraction to public policymaking, this study explores how employee motivation contributes to the optimization of population administration services. The research method uses descriptive qualitative analysis, involving interviews with employees at the North Toraja Population Office as the main data source. The results showed that the level of interest in public policy formulation varied among employees of the North Toraja Regency Population Office. Structural officials, including service heads and field heads, showed high interest and interest in the public policy-making process. Meanwhile, staff-level employees and operators showed a lack of interest in public policymaking. The results of this study provide valuable insight into how employee motivation affects their involvement in the public policy-making process, which in turn can affect the quality of population administration services. The implication of these findings is the need for efforts to motivate and involve broader employees in the public policy process, as well as provide appropriate incentives and training to increase their interest in policy formulation that supports more optimal population administration services.


Public Service Motivation; Optimizing; Public Policymaking

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