Analysis of Imam Ali (AS)'s Justice Manner in Wars
After the establishment of the Islamic state by Imam Ali (as) and the general public's allegiance to him, some did not tolerate his Islamic management and caused several crises to the Islamic society. Adherence to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) is known as the principle and root of the Imam's theoretical and practical life. As far as the Islamic society required benefits, the Imam pursued pacifism and avoidance of war against the enemies and warmongers. Also, when there was no other option but military confrontation, the Imam fought decisively while during the war and after victory he behaved based on justice and Islamic ethics. Such a way of life, which finds its trace in the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), became the basis for how to deal with opponents and warmongers throughout the history of Muslims, which can be mentioned as the most important consequence of the Imam's Jihadi life based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. This research tries to analyze the manner of Imam Ali (as) in war and jihad based on the descriptive-analytical method and using the library and software. It concludes that moral behavior, guidance, isolation from the world, justice, pacifism, jihad, and decisiveness are the most important principles of Imam Ali (as) during wars.
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