The Symbolic Meaning of Batik Manding as a Local Cultural Identity of Gunung Kidul using Charles Sanders Pierce's Semiotic Approach
This research journal aims to describe the symbolic meaning and values contained in Manding Batik as the local cultural identity of Kepek Village, Wonosari District, Gunung Kidul Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with Charles Sander Pierce's semiotics and studying the symbolic meaning of Batik Manding. Indonesia has local arts originating from various regions, namely Batik which is a craft product that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture, specifically on the island of Java. The local cultural identity that is characteristic of the community has formed a group of craftsmen in Batik Manding Village so that they can develop various distinctive motifs that depict the surrounding natural conditions such as Petai Chinese. The existence of Batik Manding as a local cultural identity of Kepek village, Gunung Kidul Regency has supporting community values that can be explored and studied for understanding and learning for the wider community.
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