Effectiveness of Criminal Research Unit and Intelligence Cooperative Relationships Nabire Police Unit Security in Disclosure of Criminal Offenses
Satreskrim at the level of the Resort Police (Polres) of a Regency/City is tasked with carrying out the functions of inquiry, investigation and supervision of criminal investigations, including identification functions and field forensic laboratories as well as coaching, coordinating and supervising PPNS. Meanwhile, the Intelligence and Security Unit is tasked with carrying out and developing intelligence functions in the security sector, services related to public gathering permits and the issuance of SKCK, receiving notifications of community activities or political activities, as well as making recommendations on applications for permits to hold firearms and the use of explosives. The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the cooperative relationship between the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Security Intelligence Unit in disclosing criminal acts at the Nabire Police. In this research, the types of research used are Normative Juridical research and Empirical Juridical research. All data collected by the author is then clarified and analyzed to produce conclusions from the material obtained in accordance with the problems discussed. Law enforcement cannot be carried out haphazardly by the Criminal Investigation Unit or the Intelligence and Security Unit at the Nabire Police. These two units are the spearheads of law enforcement in the community in Nabire Regency which is the jurisdiction of the Nabire Police, therefore in carrying out their duties they must uphold good cohesion and discipline in receiving reports, investigating, investigating and processing criminal acts to court. , especially criminal acts that involve and harm society and the state. It is necessary to provide guidance to members of the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Intelligence and Security Unit of the Nabire Police carried out by the Head of Police, Head of each Unit regarding monitoring, supervision, control and good coordination between units, so that the cooperative relationship between the two units can be effective in the context of dealing with and uncovering Crime in Nabire Regency.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i1.5388
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