Ustadz/Ustadzah Communication Strategy in Improving Short Surah Memorying Among Tpq Al-Mukhlisin Students
Every educational institution needs to fully make the Koran the main focus that must be studied. The skills of reading, writing, memorizing and understanding the contents of the Qur'an and applying them in daily life are competencies that must be possessed by every student, especially in the context of education at TPQ. Therefore, what is the communication strategy of the Ustadz/Ustadzah at TPQ Al-Muklisin, Sipatana District in increasing the memorization of short surahs among students is the main problem in this research. In this research, the method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach and case studies. To obtain accurate data, researchers used interview techniques and direct observation. The results of this research reveal several efforts by ustadz/ustadzah to improve students' memorization abilities by using several strategies, including the double repetition strategy, using the wow, as well as ustadz/ustadzah communication strategies in the form of introducing students, compiling the message or material to be delivered, and determining methods. There are also several obstacles experienced by ustadz/ustadzah in implementing their strategy, including difficulty in disciplining students during the memorization process, weather which affects concentration, lack of murajaah students at home, lack of motivation and enthusiasm for students and a strong desire to memorize.
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Miziah Yasin, Ustadzah TPQ Al-Mukhlisin, Interview, July 5 2021
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