Swearing in the Comments Column of the Narasi Newsroom YouTube Account with the Topic Menguak Sisi Lain Mentoring Poligami Berbayar

Alfi Khoiru An Nisa, Hari Bakti Mardikantoro, Tommi Yuniawan


This research aims to analyze the forms and references of swearing in the comments column of the Narasi Newsroom YouTube account with the topic Menguak Sisi Lain Mentoring Poligami Berbayar | Buka Mata. The theoretical approach of this research is sociolinguistic, while the methodological approach uses a descriptive qualitative method. The data source in this research is the entire discourse in the comments column of the Youtube Narasi Newsroom account with the topic Menguak Sisi Lain Mentoring Poligami Berbayar | Buka Mata. The data used is in the form of discourse fragments from the discourse in the comments column. The data collection method uses the listening method with advanced note-taking techniques. The data analysis method uses the matching and matching method. The results of the research on the first objective found forms of swearing in the comments column of Youtube Narasi Newsroom with the topic Menguak Sisi Lain Mentoring Poligami Berbayar | Buka Mata, namely in the form of words, phrases, and clauses. The research results on the second objective found references to swear words in the form of conditions, animals, spirits, objects, body parts, relationships, activities, professions, and exclamations.


Swearing; Social Media; YouTube

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i12.5381


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