Conformity of Javanese Cultural Values in Early Marriage : Case Study of Farmer Family Communication

Aprilia Hening Puspitasari, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Widodo Muktiyo


This study aims to describe the conformity of Javanese cultural values in farmer families in Tegaldowo Village, Gunem Subdistrict, Rembang Regency in choosing partners for doughters who first married at an early age by using Family Communication Pattern Theory by Koerner and Fitzpatrick. The research approach uses descriptive qualitative with the case study method through in-depth interviews with 9 families consisting of nucleus and extended family. The results of the study show high conformity to the values of Javanese culture and kinship system. The decision to choose a partner and conduct a marriage is based on the collectivity of group values rather than personal wants and needs


Role of Class Teacher; Character; Discipline of Student Education; Literacy Activities

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