The Influence of the Value Clarification Technique Teaching Model on Students Learning Motivation and Critical Thinking Skills
The purposes of this research are to reveal: (1) the influence of the VCT teaching model on students learning motivation; (2) the influence of the VCT teaching model on students critical thinking skills; (3) the significant differences in learning motivation between groups using VCT and PBL teaching model; (4) the significant differences in the ability to critical thinking skills between groups using VCT and PBL teaching model. This research employed a quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design. The research population in this study were all fourth-grade students of “daerah binaan 2” State Elementary School Klaten, Central Java. The determination of these groups employed purposive sampling, a type of non-probability sampling, with the aim of obtaining a representative sample. The research sample consisted of 50 fourth-grade students. The research instruments were in the form of essay tests and non-tests in the form of questionnaires. The research results show that: (1) there is a significant influence of the use VCT teaching model on learning motivation; (2) there is a significant influence of the use VCT teaching model on the ability to critical thinking skills; (3) there is a significant difference in learning motivation between groups of students who learn VCT teaching model; (4) there is a significant difference in critical thinking skills between groups of students who learn VCT teaching model. The VCT teaching model is proven to have a higher influence on students' learning motivation, this can be seen from the mean and variance scores obtained by each group. The VCT teaching model is proven to have a higher influence on student learning motivation, this can be seen from the mean and variance scores obtained by each group.
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