Optimizing the Use of Rice Mills Unit and Bed Drayer Technology Implementing Hygiene and Sanitation Standards to Improve Employee Performance Agricultural Industry
The purpose of the research on optimizing the use of rice mills unit and bed drayer technology and the application of hygiene and sanitation standards to improve employee performance in the rice milling agricultural industry aims to determine the use of agricultural technology and the application of hygiene and sanitation standards to support employee performance in the rice milling agricultural sector. Qualitative research using a literature study approach. Books, journals, research reports, and secondary data to support the research results. The research process begins with the urgency of using technology and implementing sanitary hygiene standards in the agricultural sector that can improve employee performance. The application of hygienic sanitation standards in rice mills is still not optimal, training is needed. That to improve employee performance in a company including in the agricultural industry sector, an employee must be able to master technology properly and correctly in order to achieve the goals of a company. The conceptual framework used as a research topic shows a link in improving performance. Employees as a parameter are given increased competence related to the use of the latest agricultural technology.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i11.5371
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