The Influence of Parenting Style and Gender Perspective in Youth Sport Talent
Introduction: Sport is an activity to develop physical strength and body, it is in order to make the body strong enough, and the power is adequately trained, and becomes agile to survive. There are factors that the athlete must be has, such as, technical capabilities, strategy, physic, and well psychology. There are Several ways to achieve the maximum achievement in sport. The one of way is by scouting talent.
The aim of the study: This research aimed to identify the sports talented in adolescent in terms of parenting style.Material and methods: The method of this research was the correlation with quantitative approach. The population was taken from an adolescent in Sragen aged 16-17 years old. Samples amounted to 240 respondents. It used descriptive data analysis by performing guidance talent test with sports search. The result would percentage with chi-squared.
Result: The results showed that comparison of sport talent from children with authoritative type, democratic, permissive in a row of the experiment shows that the male adolescent who have authoritative parenting style, there are total 12 (30%) number of adolescent who has athletic - shot put and discus, there are 10 (25%) adolescent democratic parenting style in athletic sports - sprint running, the most number is permissive parenting style ,there are 15 (37.5%) adolescent in taekwondo. The result of the experiment shows that female adolescent who has authoritative parenting style, there are total 9 (22%) number of adolescent who has athletic - Shot put and discus, there are 10 (25%) adolescent democratic parenting style in athletic sports - sprint running, the most is permissive parenting style, there are 12 adolescent (30%) in athletic sports - sprint running .
Conclusions: The conclusion of this study is there is no correlation between gender and sport interested, there is a correlation between the parenting style and sports interested and there is a correlation between the parenting style and sports talented.
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