Teacher's Creativity Utilizes the King's Egg Cultural Reserve Increasing Interest in Learning History of Waisai 1 State High School Students King Ampat District

Nixon Misiodo, Ferdinand Kerebungu, Grace J Soputan, Robert Paulus Tuerah


Research focusing on " Teacher Creativity in the History Learning Process and Student Interest in Learning" Waisai 1 State High School, Raja Ampat, Southwest Papua. The aim is to explain the teacher's creativity in using the King's Egg Cultural Heritage in learning. This can increase interest in studying the History of Class XI MIPA 3 Students at SMA Negeri 1 Waisai. This research refers to the view that history is created by human "thought" and "action" (ratio and action) in the structural approach by Lloyd (1993). According to Marc Bloch (1988), the historical method used includes problem formulation and observation, criticism or testing of data, historical analysis, and explanation. Data is collected through direct observation of the learning process, tests, observations, interviews, literature studies, and online media. The results of the research are that The creativity of history teachers has been realized in the activities of (1) designing history lesson plans according to the material in the K13 curriculum, namely, “Early life of Indonesian society”, linked to local historical material, “Egg Raja Cultural Heritage” ; (2) implementation of history learning in class, at Cultural Heritage locations, preparation of reports and student presentations in class; and (3) evaluation consisting of an initial test or pre-test, assessment of reports and presentations of student assignments as well as formative tests. Interest in learning history from 35 students of class XI MIPA 3 SMA Negeri 1 Waisai increased significantly, as seen in the initial test scores of 66-84, assignments and presentations 70-8, and formative 82 -90.


Teacher Creativity, Cultural Heritage, Eggs Raja, Learning History

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i1.5355


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