The Relationship of Information Quality to the Intensity of Website Use According to Madrasah Aliyah Students in Surakarta City
This study aims to determine the relationship between information quality and the intensity of madrasah website use. This study used quantitative research methods with a correlational approach. The study population was all students of MAN Surakarta City as many as 2401 people with a sample of 96 people. Proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. Before the data is analyzed, classical assumption tests are carried out, namely sample randomness tests, data normality tests, regression linearity and meaningfulness tests, and multicollinearity tests. Data analysis techniques use single correlation and regression analysis to test the single correlation hypothesis, and use correlation analysis and multiple regression to test the multiple correlation hypothesis. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the quality of information and the intensity of website use. The contribution of information quality to the intensity of website use was 19.5%, while the remaining 80.5% was influenced by other variables that were not studied. The regression line equation between information quality and website usage intensity is Y = 2.885 + 0.174X2. The regression line equation between accessibility and website usage intensity is Y = 4.781 + 0.075X3. 4). There is a positive and significant relationship between usability, information quality, and accessibility together with the intensity of website use. The contribution of ease of use, information quality, and accessibility together to the intensity of website use was 51.1%, while the remaining 48.9% was influenced by other variables that were not studied. The regression line equation of the relationship between ease of use, information quality, and accessibility together with the intensity of website use is Y = -4.107 + 0.109X1 + 0.151X2 + 0.072X3.
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