The Existence of Purbo Asmoro Puppeteers in the Digital Era

Yoki Nur Hidayat, Kasiyan Kasiyan


This article aims to describe the existence of puppeteer Ki Purbo Asmoro in the digital era. The method used in exploring this is using library research, in the process of collecting information and obtaining data is done by reviewing notes, books, journals, documentation, and other sources that may be relevant to the topic of the article written. The results of the analysis carried out regarding the existence of puppeteer Ki Purbo Asmoro in the digital era are 1) The condition of shadow puppetry in Solo is quite good, which has the support of the government in terms of funding facilities, training, and infrastructure. 2) The survival of shadow puppetry includes factors such as the innovation and creativity of puppeteers in the face of globalization, namely the development of puppeteer Ki Purbo Asmoro's innovation in the development of the wayang style in his performances. Pakeliran garapan wayang style is a new packaging concept in an overnight format. Social media plays an important role for Ki Purbo Asmoro in developing the existence of shadow puppet culture, namely through the Purbo Asmoro Official YouTube channel. Through his YouTube channel, it contains educational values regarding puppet knowledge. 3) The main elements of the work culture ecosystem include: encouraging innovation and creativity in helping to organize puppet shows that are relevant and adapt to change. 4) The positive impact of the existence of puppeteer Ki Purbo Asmoro is to increase public interest in puppet culture from an early age in the younger generation. Education and learning about puppet content. Social media becomes a forum that makes it easier for puppet artists to organize various plays, knowledge in puppet shows. Inspiring the younger generation in encouraging young people to develop an interest in wayang art to be used as learning.


Ki Purbo Asmoro; Existence; Puppeteer; Wayang

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