Philosophical Meaning in Dhawuhan Tradition in Warujanggan Village Magetan Regency
Culture and tradition has become an inherent matter of society. Society acts as a subject that carries, shapes, changes, develops, and maintains the existence of culture and traditions. Strong ideology and meanings are important factors in the preservation of traditions from time to time. Philosophical meaning is one of the elements in a tradition so that society is able to maintain its existence. One of the traditions that still exists and develops especially in Javanese society and contains a very strong philosophical meaning is the village clean tradition. Javanese people, especially in Warujanggan Village, Magetan Regency, call this tradition a Dhawuhan tradition. This study used qualitative data that was analyzed descriptively. Some important things that will be conveyed in this study are certainly closely related to the Dhawuhan tradition itself and the philosophical meaning that contained in a series of Dhawuhan traditions. The Dhawuhan tradition carried out in Warujanggan village as a whole has 20 philosophical meanings which are divided into philosophical meanings in the procession or series of activities and offerings. Overall, the procession or series of Dhawuhan tradition activities carried out in Warujanggan village, Panekan District, Magetan Regency has a function as a form of honoring the ancestors and the procession of these traditional activities also shows modernization. In addition to the procession or series of activities, there are also offerings or offerings used during the Dhawuhan tradition held in Warujanggan village. There are so many kinds of offerings used. The offerings include: coffee, tea or water, market snacks, bananas or fruit, cigarettes, ambeng, tumpeng, sayur lodeh, serondeng, tempeh, coconut, fried noodles, cakes, peyek, and also crackers.
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