Writing and Indonesian Islamic Boarding School (Students, Teachers, and Alumni): A Mini-Pilot Study Perspective
Studies on writing are categorized into monodisciplinary and interdisciplinary. Related with matter the study, this aim explores unesa-trend writing, and program writing from Unesa for students, teachers, and alumni boarding schools that are found in the East Java region. So far, research on writing is still in the partial category, resulting in partial outcomes. This research method uses qualitative Which puts forward narration data and data interpretation. The respondents for this research were students, teachers, and alumni of East Java Islamic boarding schools. This research used 150 respondents. Technique analysis data was carried out using the stages of identification, classification, verification, and final presentation of the main data, in the final stage the researcher carried out triangulation. From the various questions asked, the results showed that (1) there were more female respondents, (2) most of them came from Islamic boarding school students/children, (3) most of the respondents' writings had never been published in the mass media (4) most of the respondents' motivation in writing is for fun (5) respondents answered that deadlock/stagnation was the complaint of most respondents when writing.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i1.5314
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