Characteristics Of Mangrove Batik In Kutawaru Urban Village, Cilacap Regency, Central Java
Batik Mangrove is a typical batik of Kutawaru Village, Cilacap Regency, Central Java which is the result of a new creation of the local community which then spreads widely in Kutawaru Village to become one of the visual attractions that attracts many people because Batik Mangrove has a unique motif and is different from the many existing batik motifs, so it has its own characteristics. In addition to having interesting and unique visuals, Batik Mangrove motifs provide an opportunity for the local community of Kutawaru Village to revive the batik industry by lifting the natural wealth or potential that exists in the area. In writing this article, it has produced a study of Batik Mangrove Kutawaru including: 1) The existence of Batik Mangrove in Kutawaru Village begins with the curiosity of the people of Kutawaru Village about the utilization of mangrove forests in their area so that an idea emerges so that there is a batik center in the area. 2) Examine in more detail about what motifs are in Batik Mangrove and their philosophies 3) Describe Batik Mangrove according to each motif according to the idea description with the mangrove or mangrove forest ecosystem in Kutawaru Village.
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