Freedom of Expression in Music: Controversial Song Lyrics that Challenge Social Norms
Freedom of expression is one of the human rights. There are many ways to convey self-expression, one of which is through music. Song lyrics in music can be a means for musicians to convey what they feel. Since music is universal, the listeners, who may have the same thoughts and feelings as the musician, can understand the meaning of the song. Musicians can use their skills in writing song lyrics, expressing themselves with stanzas that can move the heart and make them relevant to their listeners. But not only music with "touching", "motivational" or other positive lyrics are found in the world of music, there is also a lot of music with lyrics containing controversial things that are against the norm, such as swearing, violence, free sex, drugs, and so on. This article, using the literature study method, analyzes the complexity of song lyrics containing explicit content that is not under the norms and freedom of expression as a human right. Music with controversial content can provoke and influence someone who hears the music continuously. There is a need for wisdom in airing, broadcasting, or listening to these songs since music with controversial content can still be played in certain countries.
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