Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Improving Writing Skill at Boarding School
This study employs a quantitative methodology to assess the influence of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on the writing proficiency of 30 students in a boarding school setting. The research involves implementing PBL strategies within the writing curriculum and measuring their impact on students' writing abilities through structured assessments. Quantitative data was gathered through pre- and post-tests, evaluating writing samples before and after the PBL intervention. Statistical analysis, such as paired t-tests, was utilized to determine the significance of improvement in writing skills following PBL implementation. The findings aimed to quantifiably demonstrate the effectiveness of PBL in enhancing writing skills among students in a Boarding School at Parepare, providing empirical evidence to support its implementation in educational settings. The result showed that following a six-week implementation of PBL in the writing curriculum, a second assessment was conducted, revealing a significant improvement. The test results indicated an increased average score of 80 out of 100. Utilizing statistical tests like the paired t-test, the analysis showed a highly significant level of improvement (p < 0.001), confirming that the enhancement in students' writing skills after applying PBL was more than merely by chance. This highlights that PBL has a significant impact on improving writing abilities among students in Boardi g School at Parepare.
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