Digital PopUp Book Media Profile to Improve Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students on Fairy Tale Material
This study aims to analyze the initial ability of student learning outcomes on fairy tale material and find learning media solutions that suit the conditions of students. The design of this study was pre-experimental. This type of research is descriptive so it does not require a hypothesis test. The results of this research will be used as a preliminary study and consideration in the development of digital pop up book media and to improve the learning outcomes of elementary school students. The study was conducted on 20 grade III students for the 2022/2023 academic year of SDN Sidorejo. This study used several instruments to collect data, namely student response questionnaires, teacher interview sheets, and fairy tale material tests. It was concluded that the learning outcomes of students in the cognitive realm of the Revised Bloom Taxonomy, the lowest results were found in the analyzing indicator (C4) by 10%, the understanding indicator (C2) by 35% and the remembering indicator (C1) by 55%. Novelty: Exploring the advantages of using digital pop up book media to improve student learning outcomes, which contributes to increasing students' reading interest, knowledge and skills in a balanced manner. In this study, the use of digital pop up book media is expected to improve student learning outcomes in the cognitive realm. So it can be concluded that if the learning outcomes of students are still low, it is necessary to make improvements in teaching and learning activities, namely by using digital pop up book media so that students understand the material presented, especially fairy tale material.
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