The Student’s Response to Independent Learning Based on Social Cognitive Theory Perspective
This research aims to explore student responses to the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) and its impact on learning independence, using Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory approach. The 21st century demands critical, collaborative, communicative and creative skills, but graduates still face gaps with industry needs. MBKM is implemented as a government effort to create quality graduates. This research involves students majoring in accounting as subjects, evaluating students' preparation, expectations, experiences, as well as evaluations and assessments of MBKM. The results show that students prepare themselves better cognitively and seek information from the surrounding environment before taking part in MBKM. Student expectations are influenced by environmental factors, and learning independence is reflected in the evaluation and assessment process, although some students face obstacles such as unclear regulations and less strict monitoring. These findings support social cognitive theory, emphasizing the role of environmental and cognitive factors in shaping students' independent learning behaviour. This research provides in-depth insight into student responses to MBKM and its contribution to learning independence. The theoretical implication is that environmental and cognitive factors play a major role, while self-efficacy and role models still need to be improved. The practical implications highlight the importance of paying attention to regulations, monitoring and evaluation that support student learning independence in the MBKM context. This research shows the relevance of social cognitive theory in explaining social phenomena among students in the MBKM program.
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