Moral Values in the Mahisha Jataka Relief at Borobudur Temple: An Iconographic Study

Rizta Noor Annisa, Kasiyan Kasiyan


The Mahisha Jataka Relief at Borobudur Temple is one of the most remarkable examples of Buddhist art and iconography. This relief depicts the story of Mahisha Jataka, rich with moral values within the context of Buddhist teachings. The iconographic study of this relief helps to understand the implied moral messages and their influence on culture and spirituality. The purpose of this study is to explore the moral values embodied in the Mahisha Jataka relief at Borobudur Temple and understand how these moral messages are reflected in the artwork. Additionally, the study aims to highlight the cultural and spiritual influence of this relief within society. The discussion of this study has revealed that the Mahisha Jataka relief is a work of art that embraces moral values found in Jataka stories and pays homage to Buddhist teachings. Moral values such as the struggle against evil, sacrifice for the common good, wise leadership, courage, simplicity, the pursuit of happiness and enlightenment, harmonious society, and Buddhist teachings are reflected in this relief. The cultural influence of this relief is evident in its impact on Indonesian art, architecture, and culture.


Mahisha Jataka Reliefs; Borobudur Temple; Moral Values; Buddhist Teachings; Iconography

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