Highlighting Into Early Childhood Teacher's Support of Children’s Physical Literacy Through Active Play
This study aims to find out the level and form of teacher support in active play as an effort to develop children's physical literacy. A strong base of physical literacy from an early age is believed to be a driving force for children to love physical activity throughout their lives. This study used a survey research approach by distributing questionnaires to 37 teachers from 5 early childhood education institutions in Jambi City. The data were analysis using descriptive statistics, namely describing the data that had been collected in the form of tables and histograms. The results of the study show that support as a motivator is the strongest support given by the teacher in active play, while support as a stage manager is the weakest support compared to other supports. Basically, highlighting teacher support in active play is a positive input for finding the best way to implement motor development and physical activity policies and practices for early childhood. Teachers play a crucial role in supporting children's physical literacy through active play. However, further research involving a larger sample and a variety of contexts may provide a deeper understanding of this topic. It should be noted that the quality of teacher support and involvement in active play is very important as an effort to help teachers find the best ways to develop and implement motor development and physical activity practices for early childhood. Appropriate teacher support and involvement in active play will be the main key in efforts to encourage the development of physical literacy from an early age.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i1.5249
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