The Comparison of the Power Performance Ability Between Male and Female Taekwondo Athletes
This study analyzed the comparison of the power performance ability between male and female taekwondo athletes training in Sleman Regency in facing the Yogyakarta Special Region Sports Week. The population in this study involved 22 Sleman Regency taekwondo athletes. The total numbers of the samples in this study were 12 male athletes and 8 female athletes. The data analysis in this study utilized statistical analysis of SPSS 25. The results of the study revealed that the age of male and female Sleman Regency taekwondo athletes ranged from 17 to 25 years. The assessment results of the ability regarding the biomotor power components of taekwondo in Sleman athletes, on average, fell into the category of less once. The results showed an average male’s right foot triple hop jump test was 6.34 m. The farthest jump was 7.47 m, and the shortest was 4.77 m. The average male’s left foot triple hop jump test was 6.17 m. The farthest was 6.30 m, and the shortest was 5.33 m. For female athletes, the average result of the right foot triple hop jump test was 4.93 m. The longest jump reached 6.30 m, and the shortest jump was 4.14. The female athlete’s left foot triple hop jump test fell into an average of 4.84 m. The farthest jump reached 5.90 m, and the shortest jump was 3.59 m. Based on this assessment, the quality of Sleman’s taekwondo athletes, both males and females, was still far from the good category.
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