The Impact of Perceived Risk on Immediate Purchase by Mediating Role in the Online Stores
Due to the rapid development of information and communication technology and smart phones, smart technologies and mobile application software (applications) have become a broad and integral part of everyday life. The rapid growth of e-commerce has created new forms of business such as online to online and has changed the traditional performance of jobs and businesses. In the present study, the effect of perceived risk, perceived value and electronic store performance on sudden online shopping with the mediating role of satisfaction in the Digi Kala store was investigated. The above research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of method. The sample size is 384 customers of all Digi Kala online store in Tehran, which is unlikely to be available and selected based on Cochran's formula, which was analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The factor and structural equations of LISREL and Sobel test were investigated for the effect between the hypotheses. The results show that the single-sample t-test statistic is larger than the critical value of t at an error level of 5%, ie 1.96, and all hypotheses were proved with 95% confidence, so that perceived risk, perceived value and e-shop performance Sudden online shopping has an effect on the role of satisfaction mediator in the Digikala store, and suggestions were made at the end.
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