Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Interest, and Training on The Success of Start-Up Business in the “OK OCE” Program in Cipayung District of East Jakarta Administrative City
This research reviewed the success factors of start-up business. The research objective was to find out the correlation between entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial interest, and entrepreneurial training on the success of start-up business in Cipayung District of East Jakarta Administrative City. This research approach applied quantitative research paradigm that used survey method. The data collection used questionnaire as the main instrument. The research population was “OK OCE” entrepreneur training participants from 8 (eight) batches. The sampling technique used a saturated sample (total sampling) which took 235 people as the research samples by using PLS-3 SEM analysis. The results of hypothesis test calculation of path coefficient found that the effect of entrepreneurial orientation (X1) on the success of start-up business is not significant based on original sample = -0.172 and p-value = 0.005. The effect of entrepreneurial interest (X2) on the success of start-up business is significant based on original sample = 0.291 and p-value = 0.005. The effect of entrepreneurial training (X3) on the success of start-up business is significant based on original sample = 0.475 and p-value = 0.005. In conclusion, the success of start-up business is affected by entrepreneurial interest and training in supporting entrepreneurial growth.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i1.520
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