Impact of Teaching Skills of IPS Teachers on Learning Activities in Aisyiyah MTs (Junior High School) Sumut Bandar Khalifah
This research is to find out: social studies teacher teaching skills, social studies learning activities, and the influence of social studies teacher teaching skills on student learning activities at MTs (junior high school) Aisyiyah North Sumatra Bandar Khalifah. This study used the quantitative descriptive method. The population of this study was all MTs (junior high school) Aisyiyah Sumut Bandar Khalifah students, totaling 297 students. The sample for this study consisted of 75 grade VII students. The data collection tool is a questionnaire consisting of 32 statements. Where first tested the validity and reliability of research questionnaires on MTsN (junior high school) students in class VII–1, including outside the sample, the test instrument was used to determine the results of social studies teachers' teaching skills on learning activities using data analysis. The results of the t test stated that there was a significant influence of social studies teachers' teaching skills on learning activities at MTs Aisyiyah North Sumatra Bandar Khalifah. with a Tcount result of 3,388 > Ttable 1,997, then Ho was rejected. The result of a simple linear regression test with a constant value (Y) is 2.169. This means that if all variable X values are 0, then the learning activity value is 2.169. 3) The R square value is 0.749. Then the value of the coefficient of determination obtained is 74.9%. This states that variable Y has a contributing influence of 74.9% on variable X (learning activities). In addition, the value of R is a symbol of the correlation coefficient obtained by 86.5%.
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