The Relationship of the Level of Pharmacy's Knowledge in Telepharmacy on Pharmaceutical Services in Pharmacy in Denpasar City Bali Indonesia
Telepharmacy is a subset of telemedicine practices that refers to the provision of pharmaceutical services by pharmacists. This service is provided digitally between pharmacists and patients as recipients of health services. The important role of pharmacists in supporting telepharmacy to provide online services and consultations. This research aims to see the relationship between knowledge in telepharmacy and pharmaceutical services (Rahayu et al., 2023). The design of this research is a prospective analytical descriptive study with sampling using cluster sampling. The research instrument uses a questionnaire filled in by respondents. Data were analyzed using the Chi Square Test to see the relationship between knowledge in the application of telepharmacy to pharmaceutical services at the Denpasar Bali Pharmacy (Ajie & Prameswari, 2022). The description of pharmacists' knowledge regarding telepharmacy in pharmaceutical services in pharmacies is in the good category. There is a relationship between pharmacist knowledge and the application of telepharmacy in pharmaceutical services at the Denpasar Pharmacy with a p-value (p<0.05).
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