University EFL Instructors’ Attitude towards English Oral Interaction: A Case Study at Wollega University, Ethiopia
The purpose of the current study was to investigate EFL instructors’ attitude towards English oral interaction in EFL classroom. For the study, a constructivism paradigm, a descriptive case study design and a qualitative research approach were employed. The participants were eight EFL instructors selected through purposive sampling technique. The data collection instrument was semi-structured interview. A phenomenological data analysis strategy was utilised. The data were analyzed in terms of the three components of attitude: cognitive, affective and behavioural components. Regarding cognitive component, all the EFL instructors perceived oral interaction as essential in promoting learners’ skills. Pertaining to affective component, the EFL instructors preferred oral interaction. Concerning behavioural component of their attitude towards oral interaction, the EFL instructors were enthusiastic to employ oral interaction in EFL classrooms. Therefore, the findings of the study portrayed that the EFL instructors had positive attitude towards oral interaction in the classroom. The findings indicated that, the EFL instructors utilized most of the oral interaction patterns in EFL classroom. Moreover, the EFL instructors employed the different patterns of English oral interaction most often in EFL classrooms.
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